lunes, 29 de julio de 2013

Criar a un niño-Ligeramente Moderadamente Alienados

Caught Between Parents

Supporting children through the challenges of divorce
Here are 10 things to do with your mildly-moderately alienated child to maintain the bond when it is under attack from the other parent.
(1) Invite your child to tell you how s/he is feeling about the relationship and to routinely “clear the air.” This can ensure that your child is not harboring any lingering negative thoughts and feelings.
(2) Create relationship markers such as family rituals, slogans, emblems, routines, games, etc. so that your child has a strong identity of being a part of the relationship. For example, if you give your child a Hershey's Kiss and tell him/her that this is a kiss from you and you regularly give your child a Hershey's Kiss, then every time your child sees a Hershey's Kiss s/he will think of you.
(3) Take pictures of you and your child together and post them around your house so that your child sees him/herself loving and being loved by and having fun with you.

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