Publicado el 17 de noviembre 2013 por ABC digital
El niño de 11 años de edad, un hijo de crianza, estaba bajo la custodia del supervisor de Servicios de Protección Infantil.
De acuerdo con la Oficina del Sheriff del Condado de Union, un diputado en respuesta a una queja servicios animales de al lado vio al chico "asegurado al porche delantero en el tobillo, por lo que parecía ser un par de esposas. El niño también tenía un pollo muerto rondando su cuello, y parecía estar temblando ".
(MONROE, N.C.) -- A Child Protective Services supervisor and a man in Monroe, North Carolina were arrested Friday night after an 11-year-old was found on the front porch of the couple's home, handcuffed with a dead chicken around his neck.
The 11-year-old boy, a foster child, was in the custody of the Child Protective Services supervisor.
According to the Union County Sheriff's Office, a deputy responding to an animal services complaint next door saw the boy "secured to the front porch at the ankle, by what appeared to be a pair of handcuffs. The child also had a dead chicken hanging around his neck, and appeared to be shivering."
Authorities arrested Dorian Lee Harper and Wanda Sue Larson on charges including intentional child abuse, inflicting serious injury, and false imprisonment.
Sheriff's Captain Ronnie Whitaker told ABC News Radio the couple had four adopted kids, in addition to the foster child. Whitaker said, "all the children have been removed from that home" and have been placed in the custody of the Department of Social Services. "They're safe," Whitaker said.
Both Harper and Larson will appear in court on Monday.
Copyright 2013 ABC News Radio
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